Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
It seems..
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Blame Game.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Real Talk.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
I love you.
- It only accepts us at our own value. Then it reflects our beliefs in our lives. If I want to believe that life is lonely and that nobody loves me, then that is what I will find in my world.
- However, if I am willing to release that belief and to affirm for myself that ''Love is everywhere, and I am loving and lovable,'' and to hold on to that new affirmation and to repeat it often, then it will become true for me. Now, loving people will come into my life, th e people already in my life will become more loving to me, and I will find myself easily expressing love to others.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Well A.where
De Face.

Free Thought(s) - mono.tistic
Early this morning (3-4am)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Shit Man Shit.
Monday, November 29, 2010
I am the alpha and omega.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
A Single flower in a Vase.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Side Note:
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Dream Land.
Don't mention it.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Lesson Learned.
The things people say out of anger are 100% out of anger. Their whole emotional state & mind state are totally off and most likely they don't really mean it. Just Sometimes one's pride should be set aside and mistakes realized. People should never just jump to conclusions based on their own point of view. The circumference of the circle (situation) should be measured first.
Mistake much?
You ever thought you meet someone new and they're just really something different? Your unsure of feeling sat first but then you've grown attached to this person & oh Gosh you HATE getting attached to people. You hate opening up for people. All that feelings crap is just ugh annoying so yo rather keep to yourself. Until you've met that one person you're so comfortable with. Those dark secrets you have buried deep within your memories are now resurrected. Things you pledged to oneself you would never share with anyone else but oneself. Man oh Man as time progresses things always changing and therefore people are constantly changing. That person you once admired is nowcategorized and put into a folder shoved in a draw somewhere. I really thought you were someone different. Well, Something different. A part from the flesh we're covered in, your mind could look pass it all. I just don't understand. whatever im done.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Like A Bone I'm So Breakable.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
I tend to forget...
That I have to just LIVE my life sometimes. No concerns. No worries. Who cares what people think? It is truly a waste of valuable time. Fruck psychics and palm readers. The Future isn't meant to be known. You can't see it. You can't predict it. You can't control it. But you can Prepare for it. How can someone tell us about a future we can't see? Things in life are meant to be figured out. The truth isn't meant to be seen. It's our job to find it. (For all seekers) Death is inevitable & we have to come into terms with life's contract one day. Everyone should just live their life ass freely as possible. Do the things you love. Be with the people you love. Be humble. Just Lovelovelove. Being stuck in any state of anger, melancholy, and fear is like a stick in the mud you never moving. Unless someone comes along and pulls you out. But since we are born into this world alone we have to do things for ourselves.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
‘Oh that’s the way the cookie crumbles.’
Who is a strong believer in this saying? :raises hand: I know I am. It’s just a short answer to most of life’s questions and problems. No explanation needed. Everything is everything. Shit just happens. That’s how life goes. The direction in which the wind blows we’ll never know. This isn’t true. We can change things but changing our thoughts.
”Or you may have a different belief. Perhaps you’re not even aware of your belief. Most people really aren’t. They just see the outer circumstances as being the way the cookie crumbles. Until someone can show you the connection between the outer experiences and inner thoughts , you remain a victim in life. Whatever the problem is, it comes from a thought pattern, and thought patterns can be changed! No matter how difficult an issue we are dealing with, it is only an outer result or the effect of an inner thought pattern.” (Louise L. Hay)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
cuddle fuddle.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I wonder how she feels
Monday, July 12, 2010
April 20th 2010 (An Excerpt from my notebook)
Heart beat coming to a halt. For my body is to weak to fight these battles any longer. Thoughts are increasingly breaking me down. The pain is unbearable at times but I say nothing and just keep to myself. Why? There's no point in talking to anyone who doesn't care. No one cares about anyone but themselves and the materials they possess. It's proven. They'll ask if everything is ok & you nod your head. Silent Screams go unrecognized and unheard for so long...until it's way to late...
They yell at you because your to quiet and oh so monotone. They never realized that you listened to everything they said and kept replaying it like your favorite song on repeat, in the back of your mind.
She tried to fight these battles but just wasn't strong enough. Yes! She is weak. She wasn't always so frail until her eyes were open to this world she's existing in. (Not fully in existence) Nothing is as it seems. Nothing ever is or ever was. So much to say and yet so little time. It's becoming harder to socialize with publiceyes.
These headaches, Stomach pains, Heart pains...
Saturday, June 26, 2010
I am Just.
My penis is nonexistent.
My vaginal fluids are nonexistent.
I can not produce.
My mother bearing hips are non existent,
And therefore I can not take care of you.
I can not be your housewife or slave.
-Ollie('Tis I)
Friday, June 25, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
We want to love and we want to be loved. when no one tells us that they love us there is no reason to love thyself. The love they share with us, just a moment of intoxication, Wasted Affection.
Which leaves your mind, body, and soul yearning for more. Hoping the next day, just hoping for Sober affection. But in an instant you snap back to reality and realize no one loves you. Welcome to heartbreak, your heart shuts down with no intentions of beating again. Cold hearten stares whenever your present, the room is filled with chills. Who wants to be around you anymore? Anyone willing to resuscitate you? Al Green said Love & Happiness is all we need...but where is thy companion?
Lay your head on my pillow close to mine and here the whispers of my heart. I'll always be here always and forever. Even when the world is coming to an end my soul will still be floating about ...even if you pretend to love I it's quite OK.
Let's breathe life back into the embryo.
If there is nothing to live for Why are we still living? Thoughts are the center control for living, breathing, and waking up on a daily basis. (I'm not really sure why I'm still alive) Our thoughts trigger our heart beat, and determine if we are healthy or not. Face it, if you think it...(like magic) it will appear to be happening? Good thoughts breed good health. Why are we waking up? DesireDesireDesireDesireDesireDesire. I'm not saying we can all beat death b/c we can't it's inevitable but we can stay around as long as we want. People also play a big role in helping us live to see another day and so is 'LOVE'. My feelings are as follows...When all the love for us is completely gone or the love for others has vanished than our mind/body/spirit dies along side it all and then the heart beat comes to a halt.
The excruciating pain that's held deep within your heart. It hurts my heart & stomach. Body and mind. It's hard to eat, hard to breathe and hard to sleep. This pain affects me periodically. We feel the same things. I know we have the same thoughts. Who really cares? Our pleads go unheard. We are unhealthy both mentally & physically. There is absolutely no one to turn to but our pens and notebooks. These are the closet things to our mind, body & soul, our redeemers. They help relieve some of the weight off our brains. Oh what a relief it is to rid some of these burdens we carry about.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Foot Prints.
Take a walk in my shoes and record it. Tell me all about your experience. Were you able to sit in emotions? Did you feel the pain I felt? Were you able to feel the pain from another? Were you? Are u? Please tell me what it was like walking in my shoes. Was it a trip across the street? or Was it a trip thru a forest? A Maze? Tell me how do you feel? Did my shoes fit? Were they uncomfortable? Please tell me all about your experience...
Emotions sit deeper than the human eye is able to process. Silent Screams. Silent Somber. A lot of homo sapiens are afraid of revealing these emotions beneath their surface so their buried deep. Sunken like a treasure chest & X marks the spot. Awaiting the arrival of a person or person(s) to figure out the exact location of this treasure chest and dig it up. Even the most difficult treasure chest is capable of being found. The question is who is willing to invest time in looking for this hidden treasure? Or will the 'concern' be abandoned and an unsolved mystery for eternity?
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Silent Somber.
Drowning in strife
Display of False Affection
Relishing in misery
Shit so complicated
This chemistry
Between me and the pen
We get so intimate
She's so fcking innocent
Little Debbie cake
or Debbie Downer
Whatever your name is..
Some call me strange and
Their quick to jump guns
But I got a bullet with their names
and it's Black...
The pain that I managed to sustain
Relinquished from the ink in the pen
Eye Candy for their Brains.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Nothin On You - B.o.B. feat. Bruno Mars
I really like this song & video.
I wish I was a Beautiful girl.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tyler, The Creator.
Yes, I Know..
Let it Flow...
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Plan B.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Life, Liberty, & The Pursuit of Happiness.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
She on an uprising
Mute out the noise
Beat building
Round the playground
Shameless women
They make it rain
Pills and shit
Shits all wavy
Brainless hoes
Retarded babies
Destroyer of mankind
Save me
Panic room....
Public safety
They replacing
Pawn on my chest
Hearts racing
Next move
Invisible yes!
Instrumental minds
Steady flowing
Growing out of control
No showing
I vomit.
(5:32am randomness)
Sister Souljah.
This is my everyday life. Well rather this is our everyday lives. Why do we allow ourselves to be controlled? Subjected to verbal abuse because I am no Will Smith. Voice so faint. Words so vital.
As I watch people go to work I shake my head at how foolish people are. Wake up early mornings dressed in 'work' clothing....slaving their lives away (daily basis). Slave your life away for this green paper that summons that green-eyed monster. The question is why do we allow ourselves to be this enslaved nation? To accommodate to the cost of living standards? Why do we work for this invisible money? This money is invisible because every dollar that's in our possession is debt in rotation. It's not ours. We are only mislead to believe this. This money is the solution to all of our problems, when in fact it's the biggest instigator. The reason we go to war, the reason we hate, the reason we kill, hello Ben Franklin. From every catastrophe their is profit. This is a fact. Don't believe me? Watch 'The Corporation' it explains it all. Money is the root of all evil.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Wake up Call!!
Q & A.
(Me) Q:How do we go about summoning these 'Gods' within us?
(Friend) A: You can't summon gods for they will devour us.
(Me) Q: But why? Why would this divine power, this supreme good do such a thing?
(Friend) A: Humans are greedy & hungry for power. They will abuse this power.