Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I was never anything you were looking for, but I was always there visible to the human eye (sometimes). Most of the time I stood behind you hoping you'll turn around and love me like you'll never see me again. Waking up thinking I woke up! Oh how I am grateful that my heart is beating and I didn't fade away just before they got to know me.

We want to love and we want to be loved. when no one tells us that they love us there is no reason to love thyself. The love they share with us, just a moment of intoxication, Wasted Affection.
Which leaves your mind, body, and soul yearning for more. Hoping the next day, just hoping for Sober affection. But in an instant you snap back to reality and realize no one loves you. Welcome to heartbreak, your heart shuts down with no intentions of beating again. Cold hearten stares whenever your present, the room is filled with chills. Who wants to be around you anymore? Anyone willing to resuscitate you? Al Green said Love & Happiness is all we need...but where is thy companion?

Lay your head on my pillow close to mine and here the whispers of my heart. I'll always be here always and forever. Even when the world is coming to an end my soul will still be floating about ...even if you pretend to love I it's quite OK.

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