Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Um that's me...

So I wrote this awhile back, maybe in the summer, on my blog on the myspace and recently re-read it and yea I'm posting for your viewings today...

Many call me metri. UM I believe in what I believe. I do as I please without a care in the world. Very nonchalant person. 100% of the time I walk in && out my house whenever without even a hi or bye. idc really. My thoughts are not totally sane. I live a secret life. It is a 99% chance that I'll need professional help & a bottle of meds in the future. Many people believe they know me or are like me...false. I do believe that cancers are really emotional. Hate emotions they are stupid. I Say fuck em all bc we only live for ourselves. People are cynical. Most my $$ goes to food. I only express my feelings through a blog spot && my mind. They are the only two things that listen to me. I don't believe in sitting down letting people know how I feel. That's stupid && a total waste of time. Yes I am a bitch, a jerk, an ass, w.e. u wanna call me but hey that's just me. Now hand me a bottle of Prozac?

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