Misery Loves company...
Why does she try to bring us down to her depths of depression?
She isolates herself from the world, locked up in a tiny room all day.
She'll come out to grab a cup of coffee and look out the window.
She shows every bit of affection to that Midnight.
Claiming that Midnight is the only one that cares for her.
She's always complaining to the world about us but never tells us whats she wants us to do.
She doesn't speak up.
She walks by without even a hello.
She Falls to quickly for any sort of affection && is swindled very easily by her own flesh and blood.
She pushes everyone away...without an explanation of any sort.
I am my Mothers Daughter.
She isolates herself from the world thank u mom.
She locks herself in her room && sleeps away her depression thank u mom.
She lives her life carefree thanks a lot mom.
She pushes people away before they get to close. Thanks Mom :D
She doesn't know what affection is && how to react when its present..Your the best mom.
She pushes everyone away...without an explanation of any sort.
Even if not flesh && blood she is her Mothers daughter.
-Lets give a trophy to the best mom ever!